Brand identity is not something that can be developed over-night and it’s one part of marketing that doesn’t get enough attention. Mainly because there’s no instant gratification and no instant results to measure so most companies or even self employed people will usually leave this until last or over-look it completely.
Questions to help Identify your Brand
If you focus on this area first you’ll set the foundations that are needed for the marketing strategies that will generate strong leads and allow you to build the trust of your audience and gain their loyalty. But where do I start with brand development?
At the very beginning…
It’s so much easier to work with web developers, designers, business consultants and even your own team when you know exactly what you want to achieve. Start at the beginning with things like core values, how you want to be perceived and by answering some of these questions your pathway becomes clearer.
To give you a push in the right direction we’ve shared our brand development questionnaire in order to help guide you through the process of discovering your brand identity. This questionnaire plays a huge part in our own business processes and we share it with all clients before working on any project so we can get a better understanding of the company and which direction it wants to go.
Download it for free here or you can visit our Free Tools section where you’ll find other helpful templates, guides and links to how-to articles on our blog.
PPM Brand Development (PDF)
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